Time passed until during 1858, at which time a pair of wooly haired, cock eared, tan colored puppies, a dog and bitch,(from Lade and Tickler)were crated and routed for Georgia, reaching Sparta the first of July, for which month the dog puppy was named, and his sister was christened Mary. their advent in Georgia created wide and adverse comments; so intimated that a joke was perpetrated. Mr. Harvey Dennis, being a friend of Colonel Harris, and living in Putnam county, about twenty miles beyond the Oconee river, was notified to come and see the Maryland puppies. He responded and felt much chagrined when the youngsters were submitted to him, for at that time "the rule was", that no puppy could be promising unless its ears were sufficiently long to lap around the nose and be tied into a bow knot. Adverse opinions from all sources caused Colonel Harris to place these puppies several miles distant on one of his farms, to be raised until grown. He invited the fox hunters for miles distant to join him in a fox hunt during October, 1859. They accepted and brought their choice runners with them. The pair of Irish yearlings were coupled and in readiness for their initial race. A red was quickly unkennelled and led off in the direction of the Oconee river, out of hearing. Some of the crowd attempted to follow the hounds, while others remained, thinking they would "bring him back." The fox made his circle and returned, with two hounds in close pursuit, pressing him hard, while the pack was scattered from the river to Shoulderbone creek. In round numbers, too many of the hounds were "leg weary" and had enough, now serving as "bodyguard". Some had gotten down to a "slow trail", and the remainder were leading for a "ticket home" by howling. The chop and yelp of two hounds were now astonishing the men, for they were pumping the wind out of their fox and nothing could head them off. Their earnest and quick-chorded notes were full of meaning. The fox came in sight, showing signs of distress; the Irish pursuers had marked him for their game, he was forced to shorten his circles and began "tacking" for another lead, but the unerring nose of July and Mary guided their speed and the fox was soon killed in an open cotton patch, near a pine thicket, in about an hour's run; no other hounds were in "smelling distance." The stock of July "soared high" from now on. Bitches were brought to him from all sections......................(taken from the book "Fifty Years With Fox and Hounds" written by George J. Garrett)
(this is a letter written to Robert Ezell, Smithborough, Ga. from James W. Green,Vale Mills, Tn. On March 22 , 1891) Dear Friend, Your kind letter received on the twenty first, I was very glad to hear from you. I am satisfied the roads are bad, I don’t think I ever saw so much rain at this time of year. We haven’t done but very little towards farming up here, been so rainy and wet. I have about one hundred acres of land that lays on Richland creek, it has been under water three times in the last month. Many thanks to you for your kind invitation to visit you this summer, if I can get my business arranged to suit me, I will try to pay you a visit, if I fail to visit you this summer and I ever come to Georgia, I will be sure to come and see you. My father was through a portion of your state during the war, he was under General Joseph Johnson, got wounded near New Hope church, he was in General Bates division when he was shot. He says some of McClellan’s men did it. My father has been suffering for the last week with a bonefellow on his thumb, he was better yesterday. Mr. G.W. Campbell sent a bitch down from Murry county last week and bred her to Hamp. I received Flirt yesterday evening, she is a beauty, fine size. I am more than pleased with her. I was sure she was a good one from what you wrote me. I couldn’t have picked a better looking one myself. You can depend on me giving her a fair trial. I will write you word how she does when I try her. The first time I taken Flash out, I didn’t think she was any account, but the fourth time I taken her out she proved to be a fine hunter. She is a fine strike, but she is a little wearisome on a cold trail. My other dogs get away from her some times, but if you will give her time, she will find a fox too. She is a good stayer, my other dogs, if they strike a trail and it is cold, they circle and strike on ahead, don’t trail as close as Flash. Gordon surpasses any dog I ever owned in one peculiarity, if he struck a trail and some other dog struck at another point, he would go to see if it was better than his, if it was better than his, he would stay, if not, he would return to his, he was always right when you heard him, was never thrown out of the chase from the first I had him in one. My pups are nice, hunts fine after rabbits. My family have got over the measles, didn’t hurt Robert, he is as fat as a little pig, and weights twenty pounds. You are more than welcome to keep the papers I sent you, I will send you another one soon, some good reading in them, good reading on dog diseases, right amusing to read the northern chases, it won’t do to go north of the Ohio river for a dog. I have tried it, if they have any good ones, they kept them, they didn’t send them to me. I close, Truly your friend, Jas. W. Green
Dr. H.C. Fountain's beginning in foxhunting
(Dr. H. C. Fountain of Evergreen, Al. Writes of his childhood and learning to love the chase)
My father was a country doctor and rode horse back for a radius of 15 to 20 miles to treat his patients, he carried his medicine in a pair of saddle bags across his saddle. Although he never kept any hounds, he was very fond of the chase and loved to hear them run.
There was a man named Lawerence Amos who kept hounds and would run fox all around where we lived. My father would ride his horse and take me up behind him and go with them and take me along. In this way I began my foxhunting career, as near as I can remember it was when I was about 10 years old, which would have been around 1890.
There was a Negro named Tillman Gross who kept 3 or 4 hounds and hunted with Mr. Amos. He owned this old horn and always carried it hunting with him. He owed my father a doctor bill, and like most Negroes of that era, he was not able to pay it. One night after the race was over, Tillman was blowing in the hounds and my father asked to blow the horn, after he blew it, my father asked Tillman what he would take for it and he said he did not want to sell it. My father told him, "Tillman, you owe me a big bill that you are not able to pay, let me have the horn and we will call it even". This was agreed too and my father hung it around his neck and we went home
There was a man named Tanner Green who came to our community right after the civil war and brought a strain of blueticked, well made, rough haired hounds with him. They were good foxhounds, much better than the old black and tan hounds most people had at that time. I have often thought they must have been of the old Bywaters strains, at that time no one had ever heard of a Walker or July hound and a pedigree had never been heard of either.
I started fox hunting with a pair of these hounds, and I raised a pair of pups I got from another Negro who hunted with Mr. Amos. I look back over the years and think of the hundreds of hounds I have bred and owned and wonder if any of these were any better than "old Rambler and Blue".
I started my fox hunting career with this old horn tied around my neck with a homemade leather string. At the large end I cut notches in the band every time I caught a fox or cat and although it is almost worn out they can still be seen. One day a puppy got hold of it and chewed up the mouthpiece, I made another one with aluminum and it has also gotten broken someway, but it will still "blow them in".
I am now 87 years old, all my hounds are gone and I have hung up my horn and ended over 60 years of foxhunting, but I hope someone will always take good care of this old horn that I started hunting with in the dim and distant past. Dr. H.C.Fountain………..
Letter to Robert Ezell
(letter written to Robert Ezell from James Green on Oct. 6, 1895)
Friend Robert,
As it has been a long time since I heard from you I concluded to write you a few lines once more. I’m under the impression that I wrote you the last letter and you owe me a letter, but it seems very much like you don’t care to hear from me. If I have said or done any thing to wound your feelings, I’m not aware of it and it was done unintentional, for I would not do any thing to hurt a friends feelings, especially one I hold value in my heart as I do for you and your family, for I look on you as my best friend in Georgia.
I said some very hard things about Mr. Ridley, but not until he made some very rough remarks about me and tried to put a friend of mine out with me without a cause and it may be that you have become offended at what I said of Ridley, if so I’m very sorry, but I have nothing to take back. I still stand on what I said of Ridley and his neighbor told me what I know. I’m in hopes you are not offended, if you are not, I will receive an answer to this and if you are, I don’t expect a reply.
How did your wife come out with the Berkshire gilt that I sent her. How did yours and your Uncle’s boars turn out, did they develop into fine animals.
Well we had very bad luck with our pack of dogs, last February a dog with hydrophobia got in our pack and we lost eleven, two eight month puppies, the rest were grown dogs, only left our seven running dogs, cleaned father up entirely, left Mr. Lindsey Rolland and Mr. Carter, one each, left me four good dogs and two old ones. I have seven good dogs now and two puppies, eight months old. The hydrophobia left Dan, Pepper, Bell, Barron’s old Streaker and old Flash McKay. Mr. McKay presented me four dogs or rather one dog and three bitches. They are by Dan, out of Flash, she by Ham Barron. Three of them are splendid fox dogs for their practice, never have been hunted a great deal. Tom, Daissie, Millie and Elba are their names. Tom is nearly white, a very fine young dog, Millie is a black and tan and a rather extra good young bitch for her practice, Daissie is a promising young bitch, color nearly white, Elba, black and white and she hasn’t proven to be much yet, they never had a seasons work on hunting. I can tell you more of them by March if nothing happens. My two Kentucky dog puppies are black, white and tan. The bitch is nearly white and has one glass eye, she is a beauty, fine form and has a beautiful head. I will let you know how they prove out. I lost the red bitch Marshall sent me by John.
Love to you and yours, your true friend, James W.Green
(Letter written to Robert Ezell, Hillsboro, Ga. from Dr. W.G. Carnathan M.D., Butler, Al. concerning breeding of old Speed-dated July 24, 1939)
Dear Sir: I own old Speed, bred by you, and sold to Dr. T.E. Rhine of Thornton, AR. Speed was whelped April 24, 1931, by your Andy out of your Nell. I have always heard of you as a very reliable man and an exceptional breeder of fine Julys. Old Speed is a most wonderful fox dog in every respect and throws his kind of fox dogs. He is straw colored, big brown eyes, strong, healthy and dead game. He is a large, tall dog, medium coat, weighs 60 lbs., good note and plenty of it at the right place and time.
I would appreciate your comments on his breeding and his individual ancestors as far as you know them. I have his pedigree for 5 or 6 generations, but if convenient would appreciate a pedigree from you on as many generations as you know. He traces to many of the noted dogs during the past thirty years.
If you so desire to breed to Speed, the service will be free, unless you have a large litter and you could spare me a pup or so at your pleasure.
We have been breeding and owning Julys for the past 40 years.
Any dog from you will be much appreciated.
Hoping to hear from you soon. Yours very truly, W.G. Carnathan
Breeding of Top
(Letter from W.A. Hough of Havana, Fl., dated January 25, 1954 concerning breeding of dogs)
Friend Fountain, Your letter received in regards to Top. I did not have anything to do with the Top breeding. He was a good, tough, fast dog, but he went back to a bitch named Smut, she did not have any breeding, at least no one was ever able to get it. Top also had one cross of A.J. Hill’s Ringwood, a dog Mr. Garrett imported from England. He got twelve of those dogs, only one of them was any good and that was Ringwood and he was tough and slow. Top also had three crosses of Jim Hogg’s Dan; Dan’s dam was a Hudspeth bitch. There is no need to bring up the mistakes of some of our older breeders. If you all have a good bitch, is bred right and has got good feet, breed her to Dr. J.H. Nicholson, Madison, Ga. dog that he calls Doctor Belcher, he is the best bred dog that I know of. Your friend, W.A. Hough
(Letter to Dr. H.C. Fountain from T.C. DePriest of Union Mills, N.C. dated February 4, 1960)
Dear Dr. Fountain, Freeman tells me he shipped the pups, they are nice ones. I sincerely hope you have good luck with them. No better blood than they carry here, possibly too much Streaker and Beauty in background, yet that is the best part of it. I am sending extended pedigree on the original foundation stock that is the best ever to come into this country, though badly contaminated, it was still the best to be had and I tried them all. Since Bryant wrote the stories about these hounds, I’ve gotten letters from all over the Eastern United States. I’ve been surprised that so many had some of this blood or once had it and wanted more of it. Captain Craig wrote me, (he bred the Queen line) the best blood of England and America was in them. Hold to that Scrape and Hetty blood, I’ve seen Scrape and him old and crippled, call the pack to the line of duty after a run over in the morning. It was his Lightfoot that cleaned the Walkers so bad on a camp hunt, they requested we tie him up, had corralled a red in a hollow log inside two hours and no Walkers were in hearing distance. I have a pedigree of him bred in Georgia.
I’ve accomplished after more than a year what I wanted to do in breeding for color. Reddy, mother of those fox killers, is red fawn color and Streaker, rich grey-tan in color. Christmas morning they delivered eight pups of that color, six blaze faces, as Streaker and two solid rich tan. I remarked to Mrs. D that no one could tell me there was no Santa Claus.
I told Dr. Nicholson when he was here, you had sent me some literature concerning the going on in this country and that I never told you where I stood, but I’m a dyed in the wool, hence I’ll say this. The Depriests migrated from Virginia after fighting through the Revolution, so did the Covingtons, my maternal side. Then both families fought all through the War between the North and South and they resisted the Yankee carpetbaggers. My Grandfather was imprisoned two years at Albany, N.Y., his farm confiscated and sold at public auction. My Grandfather and his brother had to flee and hide out two years in the vicinity of Rome, Georgia. I’ve never voted other than the Democrat ticket, a Methodist religiously, and my good friend and neighbor fox hunter, Mr. Vanney is a Walker dog fanatic, a Republican, and a Baptist. Furthermore, Mrs. D’s Great-Great Grandfather Preston, was killed on Kings Mountain fighting the British. His wife with their baby boy brought his body off the mountain lashed to a sled. This battle occurred forty miles Southeast of here, just across the South Carolina line. Do you accept my credentials? Must stop and get this in the mail. Kindest regards from Mrs. D and myself, fraternally, Thomas C. DePriest
Atlanta, Ga.
May 4, 1937
Dear Mr. Bobbie,
I am getting along very well and Santa Claus is where she can walk again. I hope when this message reach you it will find you and Mrs. Fannie o.k. I have six prettiest little puppies you ever laid your eyes on. I lost Beauty, a car run over her and killed her dead. I got two saddleback, just like old Streak, only he has more dots on him than old Streak did. I got one like old Slash and one like old Playboy. The two I am going to keep is name Slash and Flash. If you want old Playboy come and get him and you can keep him just as long as you live and you die before I do I want him to be returned back to me. Ask Shed do he want a puppy or two and if he don’t want any see Mr. George Stinson and tell him I will let him has four puppies. If you all do come, after you get to Atlanta, inquire about Jonesboro Rd. and stay on it until you get to a little dirt road name Masdonia Rd. and you turn to your right and stay on it until you get on Gilbert Rd. and then you stay on it until you come to my house. If you come for those dog please come at once, don’t, I have to give them away. I think Playboy will make you a nice fox dog.
P.S. how the rain down there it rain up here so much that people can hardly plant anything. Bye, Bye, from Steve Thurman
(Steve Thurman was a highly respected, black man who owned a farm near Mr. Ezell. They hunted together and exchanged dogs for years, he is believed to have known as much about July hound bloodlines as anybody of that era.)
Letter from Alva Bell
(Letter sent to Dr. H.C. Fountain, Evergreen, Al. from Mr. Alva Bell, Walnut, Ms. Expressing sadness over the death of his long time hunting partner, Mr. T. M. Jamieson)
Walnut, Mississippi
July 5, 1961
Dear friend,
I am returning your page from the HH in regard to Trooper. I saw Trooper at Griffin, Ga. and heard Dr. Stucky tell about him. Bully is not his type; he won’t leave the country barking, he is a very restless dog, and he just yelps a little when turned out with other dogs. However, if you turn him out by himself, he doesn’t make a sound.
I very deeply regret to tell you that Mr. Jamieson was buried yesterday. He had a stroke one week ago while hunting with me, he only lived a week. I don’t know whether or not I will continue to hunt, since his passing. We hunted together 37 years and never had an argument. I think that is practically extraordinary. He was a true sportsman, always looking for something better. I will write his obituary later.
He had sold two of the Depriest dogs, (Streaker x Reddy), he still had the one,(Streaker x Freeman’s Beauty). He is what I call average. He might get better with more hunting. He has not been hunted much and we have some that outrun him now.
He had one by Bully, out of a bitch by Senator, he is one and half years old and has a nice cream color. I think he is going to be a good one. I have been watching him closely to see if he barks wrong, so far I have not seen him do anything except what he is supposed to do. I really like his style after a fox. The next pups from Bully might babble, but this one does not.
The bitch I bred to Blaze had eleven pups, she has ten left. They are a little small, but that is nearly always the case when you have that many in one litter. Seven of them look very much like Blaze. The other ones are gray.
Since Mr. Jamieson’s death I guess I will probably cut down my pack. I won’t have anyone much left in my section of the country.
Write me.
Your friend
Alva Bell
Questions and concerns that have plagued July breeders for years, MR. Jack Davis and Dr. H.C. Fountain take on this important issue
Dear Dr. Fountain,
In answer to your question,"what do you think in regard to hounds carrying the Dorsey's Big Boy or H. L. Marshall's Casper crosses". I think the descendents of these hounds should be accepted if either Casper or Big Boy is far enough back in the breeding to enable one to determine that the product of these crosses consistently intensifies or reflects in a more pronounced degree than the average July, the true July characteristics and true July appearance. It seems to me that these two things are the key that should unlock the door of acceptance of any breeding that does not carry but a slight amount of outcross or smear. After all the principal thing we are trying to do is produce a hound that is truly a July Maryland in the fullest sense of the meaning of the word, in deed and in truth, not just a hound that can legally be called a July in name. If the product of the use of such hounds as breeding hounds are not above the average or stand a good chance of not just maintaining the virtues of the strain but improving it, the hounds carrying the smear or outcross blood, should be rejected. In other words if we are going to compromise a bit on breeding, we should demand a twofold payoff in strain improvement. You will notice I underscored the word consistently. Now I do not believe that any line of breeding that carries a strong infusion of the blood of another strain whose fixed characteristics are in direct conflict with the fixed characteristics of the July hound will consistently produce hounds that are truly July in their characteristic performance. There will be too many throw backs along the line to the conflicting characteristics of the strain used as an outcross. The nature of the outcross and the nature of the smear should have a direct bearing on any decision.
Now this discussion leads to an even more important question perhaps, and that question is, "what is the standard for July characteristics and performance and appearance". If there is too great a conflict among breeders on this question, we will find ourselves traveling in different directions and the July strain would be in danger of degenerating into a nondescript mongrel strain. Yes, it seems to me that a very important question before us is what is the standard of July appearance and performance. I touched this subject in my article in "The Hunters Horn" titled "Quick to jump, run to catch". It seems to me these old bywords set forth what the standard July characteristic performance should be. These were the characteristics that set the July strain apart from other strains, when we turn away from this we are turning toward other strains.
Now it seems apparent that speed is not the only thing required to enable a hound to be quick to jump and run to catch. Speed is essential, so is a good nose, natural fox sense, strong body, good feet and legs.
It is my belief that Mr. Garrett thought the original Julys to be too fast of their noses and too frail for their nerve and energy and that was the reason he made the outcrosses he made. He once stated that it had been his ambitition to secure suitable English blood to cross on the July, to combine the physique of the English hound with the nerve force and energy of the July or words to this affect.
Now let us reason together, why was the outcross on Maryland Nip so readly accepted. Mr. Garrett states definitely that he considered this an outcross. According to my memory at the moment, Nip was 1/4 Brooke hound. Now you or I would not accept such a radical outcross today even if it occured as far back as the second or third generation. If you will think about this a moment I think you will agree with me. Now Mr. Garrett's Prestiege might have had something to do with the acceptance of Maryland Nip, but I feel sure the true reason was that it was quickly apparent that this cross produced and seemed to intensify the July characteristic performance,'quick to jump, run to catch". It gave the July a better nose enableing him to scent the game better and use the speed he already possessed to move up speedily on the game without losing the line of scent as often as he had before acquireing the sensitive Nip nose. Pehaps it gave him a stronger physique also.
Here is one of the things that leads me to believe that the product of the Nip cross intensified the July characteristic "quick to jump run to catch". Mr. Garrett sets forth the Milner pack to have been the most outstanding pack he ever knew about from a standpoint of consistant July Performance. In his book on page 248 he states what Hop Milner said about the performance of Hunt, son of Nip. Mr. Hop Milner said "Hunt took the fox away from my entire pack with ease during the first round and they had to cut in on him during the first turn. He did the same trick during the next circle and killed that fox more than a quater of a mile ahead of my hounds"
Now on the other hand why did Mr. Garrett reject the blood of the bitch Countess and why was it weeded out? Why was it that he personally could not see any reason to continue the blood of the Eskedales after giving them a trial? Why did he seek out the Sugar Loaf hound to cross on his Julys? Was any of these hounds produce accepted or rejected on the basis of pedigree or was it on the basis of desired performance? I realize these are extreme cases but I am relating them to emphasize the fact we could put too much emphasis on pedigree and not enough on progeny tested July performance.
Now Dr. Fountain, I am a pedigree extremist myself and it is hard for me to overcome it. I have received quite a bit of criticism because of it. It is reflected on the fact I have hounded Mr. Cunningham unmercifully in an effort to obtain the breeding of Cunningham's Joe. I will not tolerate any radical outcrosses in my breeding hounds, but when the strain characteristics can be enhanced and intensified by the use of hounds that might carry a little blood from a way back that might not be too blue, I am of the opinion we should accept them. Your friend, Jack Davis
Letter to Dr. Fountain on july history
Dear Friend Fountain,
I appreciate you sending me the old letters and old pedigrees very much. I have studied them throughly, some I have copied for future reference. Did you notice that the pedigree of Vick and Maggie trace back to old July thirteen times. Although, Mr. Garrett did not mention Mr. W. F. White in his book, Mr. White must have had some true July hounds. However, it seems his mind was somewhat centered on the commercial side of the hound business. It seems to me quite a number of the breeders of that era drew on Mr. R.P. Ezell for high class July hounds. Evidently he was one man they all trusted. He also seems to have uncanny wisdom in making just the right crosses. Who was this Steve Thurman, after reading the letters I am of the opinion that he was a negro or perhaps a white man that lived for a long time on Mr. Ezell's farm. Some of Thruman's hounds appear in my Amos II pedigree.
It seems to me that the two July hounds, A.G. Jordon's Roy and R.P. Ezell's Rhea exercised as much influence or perhaps more than any other two, during the twenties on the July strain. I don't recall any record of Roy having been bred to Rhea but the intermingling of the blood of the progeny of these two, seems to have produced many great hounds, whose blood permeated the July strain. This seems particularly true in regard to the Weaver x Rhea cross. I would like to write an article on these bloodlines for the Hunters Horn. I would title the article "Roy and Rhea". Wonder if you could trace these two way on back for me, it would not be neccessary to go to the trouble to fill out long pedigree forms but give me their breeding in the manner the fox hunting magazines list them. I already have the Joe Miller line in the Rhea pedigree, but I stop at Thad Murphy's Hattie, James W. Green's Jim Green and W.P. Davis' Fannie. Also, would like to have any information you might be able to give me concerning these two families of hounds of Mr. A. G. Jordon and Mr. Robert Ezell. Who would I have to write to get permission, to let the Hunters Horn use one of the Rhea pictures that is in the collection of pictures you sent me and have been returned to you. The picture would have to be away for some time, for instance the picture I borrowed from you of Culpepper's Willis has not been returned to me from the Hunters Horn office. However, they have definitely promised to return it to me when they have finished with their engraving. I have already returned the pictures I borrowed from Mr. Asa Marshall.
I have bred my old Kate bitch to Red McDougal. I have a pup out of Kate's Half sister down at Shiloh, Ga. This pup is sired by Amos II and is a stud fee pup. If I remember correctly, this pup is out of a bitch sired by Dr. Stuckey's Henry. This bitch does not carry the Little Jim cross that Kate carries.
Did you ever get any futher information on L.H. Lumus' Light or Lightfoot pedigree. You wrote in your letter that you might be able to give me futher information concerning the bloodlines of Rapp, the Henry Harris blood. If I would inform you just what I wanted to know. The primary object of my interest was, just what could be expected from a concentrating of this blood in a breeding program. Would there be any way of determining how much of the second importation blood in this family and if any is it of the Maryland Nip blood or the Sugarloaf crosses. Is there any significant family characteristics fixed in the line(like large hounds, small hounds, heavy coats, speed, ect.) on back in remote generations. I have reason to believe that close up generations have fixed characteristics of (stingy mouths on trail, medium to large in size, heavy coats, solid color predominating.)
It is my bed time and I have already asked you more questions than you can answer. It seems I am always asking and never contributing anything, anyway you can rest assured that I appreciate any historical information you may be able to give me in any way concerning the July hound.
Your friend, Jack
The Henry strain of hounds was founded by Dr. Thomas Y Henry of Charlottesville, Va., who was a grandson of Patrick Henry of Revolutionary times. His stallion hound was Captain, he by Traveler out of Sophy, both by Mountain out of Muse. Mountain and Muse were imported from Ireland in 1830 by Mr. Bolton Jackson of Maryland. The American Turf and register volume six, February, 1832, describes Mountain as follows:He was a very compact hound of medium size, and what in England is called freckled,not spotted, with large blue splotches;he was highly prized as a stud dog as well as for his hunting qualities. Mountain passed successively through the hand of Bolton Jackson, Governor Ogle of Maryland, Charles Carroll of Carrollton, to Dr. Buchanan of Sharpsville, Md. Dr. Henry while a medical student heard of these famous Irish hounds and went to see them. Dr. Buchanan offered him the choicest couple of his pack. Dr. Henry refused to accept his generous gift, but did accept two younger hounds called Captain and Jim. Captain was a white dog with black saddle and tan ears, a powerful speedy hound that was rarely satisfied with anything less than an all day hunt and was never anywhere except lead dog of his pack. He was death on curs and when his edge was not dulled by an adequate amount of running was of a restless, devilish disposition. If returning from an unsuccessful hunt, Captain was apt to be in a quarrelsome mood and without fear, favor or mercy was likely to attack anything that crossed his path; he was finally killed as a canine felon. Before this however, he was bred twice to a small, but beautiful black and tan bitch called, Brenda, from the kennels of Dr. Bruse of Charlottesville, Va. From these two came Willis, Lizzie, Bilbo and Tropper. All four were heavy coated hounds and had a particular flesh mark or feather curl on each shoulder. All were black and tan except Lizzie, she being spotted as had been her sire, Captain. Lizzie was bred to a black and tan hound named Streaker that was imported from Great Britain in 1840, by Elliot Yullie of Charlotte Co. Va. and was a Kerry Beagle, 22 inches high. From the Lizzie and Streaker mating which was whelped April 12, 1847, came Ringgold, Ruth, Patrick, Wickham, Porter and Virginia; all six of these were 22 inches high and had black bodies, tan legs, white ring necks, white feet, white tips on tails and had feather curls as had their dam. The characteristics of the Henry hounds were unusual. They had great speed, endurance and a habit of hunting and trailing with a looking forward expression as if expecting to see their game. If they lacked scenting ability, it did not hinder them from carrying a difficult trail as they cast ahead so constantly, recovering even a faulty line. They had broad heads, small ears, sharp noses and oblique rather wolf-like eyes, their tougueing note was sharp and easily distinguished; all were great tree dogs. In 1846 Dr.Henry being threatened with that dreaded disease, consumption, was ordered south by his physician; he started traveling leisurely by wagon accompanied by a party of friends, carrying his kennel of hounds with him, stopping at different points putting in time hunting and fishing as it suited their fancy. Mr. George L.F. Birdsong of Thomaston, Ga. being informed of his movements intercepted Dr. Henry enroute, spending some time with him. On reaching Florida, where deer were plentiful, Dr. Henry's dogs frequently ran them when they would always take to bayous and lagoons. When swimming after the game, the dogs would be killed by alligators that infested these waters. Dr. Henry soon realized that his much prized pack would be exterminated if something was not done. He wrote the facts to his friend, Mr.Birdsong, telling him that he might have the remnant of his famous pack if he would come after them. Mr. Birdsong, while sympathizing with his friend in his misfortune, was glad of the opportunity to secure these much coveted dogs, and at once started for them. After disposing of his pack, Dr. Henry settled at Quincy, Fl. where he became active in politics and served as a state legislator and held other public offices. One month prior to his death on June 1, 1869, his home burned and all that was saved was a clawfoot bookcase and a mahogany writing desk. The sportman of America should always honor the memory of Dr. Henry for breeding one of our oldest strains of hounds. Some of our most noted strains of today carry quite a percentage of this once famous Irish blood. My information has been gleamed from exerpts from letters and articles by Messers. Birdsong, Fred Streever, H.C.Trigg, C.B.Doyle, and H.E.C. Bryant.(by Paul E. Shanor, Rochester, Pa.
My Dear Mr.Ezell, Dec. 22, 1904
Am just in receipt of a letter from Will Davis stating his bad luck with the half Sugarloaf blood (Bill Reid and Bullet pups). I sent Mr. Council of Americus, Ga. a full "Sugarloaf" hound (by Bill Reid) this dog killed 10 reds in 10 sucessive races-ahead of his pack of eleven good Julys and did it from 50 to 500 yards ahead of all others. Thirty-six hounds were with him in 3 races and he did the work without noticing the others, none were in his class. He wrote for a dog to match this one(Bullet is his name)and I sent his full brother, named Bill, a white and red marked hound, which I think will keep his brother(Bullet) busy.
Mr. Council is under obligation to allow no one(except those few authorized by me)to cross on this strain and Will Davis assured me that you would do the same with your Bill Reid pups and from what all of your friends (who were my friends too)say of you, I feel that you will keep this trust. The dog peddlers who breed for market(you know those I refer too)shall not profit by my time, money and labor in behalf of the fox hound. It would amuse you to know how they have tried to get this strain from Green of Tennessee and the letters(using Baldwins name of Madison, W.W. Barron's, etc.)to side track my plans, all letters fall into my hands and if I ever hear of them getting the Sugarloaf blood, then not another hound will go to Georgia from me. The one who breaks this pledge will do all the others an injustice and me likewise. sincerely, Geo G Garrett, Midland, Ga.
(having grown up in Georgia, and having known many of the older breeders of this era, this is the reason it made it extremely difficult to acquire good blooded July hounds, when one of the older breeders became deceased, the dogs eventually disappeared, without anyone getting any of their bloodlines or dogs. Many, many good bloodlines are lost forever because of the attitudes of the older breeders, its a shame. Al Smith)
All information contained in this post was sourced from: southgajulys.bravejournal.com
Much thanks to SouthGaJulys for the information.
Much thanks to SouthGaJulys for the information.
Georgia July's - The Hunter's Horn - June, 1951
Georgia Julys
By H. P. Stuckey
Experiment, Georgia
The Hunter's Horn
June, 1951
Pages eight, nine & ten
It was in 1858, hardly three years before the War Between The States, that Col. Myles G. Harris of Hancock County, Georgia visited Nimrod Gosnell of Roxbury Mills, Maryland. Mr. Gosnell was a breeder of the shaggy Irish fox hounds from which the July fox hound was originated. The shaggy hounds Mr. Gosnell had, were descendants of Mountain and Muse, two Irish fox hounds given to Bolton Jackson of Maryland by the Duke of Leeds in Ireland.
Col. Harris had been over in Kentucky where he had hunted with Ben Robinson who had gotten his strain of hounds from Nimrod Gosnell in Maryland. Col. Harris was much impressed by the Robinson hounds and went immediately to Maryland to see Nimrod Gosnell in an effort to get some of the same breed.
On arriving at Nimrod Gosnell’s home in Roxbury Mills, Maryland, a hunt was arranged for him and he got a chance to see Gosnell’s two hounds, Tickler and Lade, run a red fox. Tickler and Lade were the parents of Old July which started the July breed of hounds in Hancock County, Georgia, in 1858. Col. Harris wanted to buy Tickler and Lade from Mr. Gosnell but they were not for sale. He did however, get the promise of a pair of puppies out of the next litter from this pair of outstanding hounds. On the first day of July of that year 1858, Col. Myles G. Harris received the promised pair of hound puppies from Nimrod Gosnell of Roxbury Mills, Maryland, and took them to his plantation out about 10 miles from Sparta, Georgia. He named the male pup of the pair July, and the female, Mary. Some say Col. Harris named the ***** puppy June, however this is discounted as immaterial. As the story goes though, Mary jumped out of a window of a cotton gin house and hanged herself on the rope by which she was tied during her first heat period and this never produced any offspring. This left only the dog pup, July, as the progenitor of the July breed of fox hounds which bears his name.
Just as the great Mississippi river starts from a small spring that could be covered by a wash tub, the entire breed of July fox hounds started from this one puppy now recorded as “Old July.” Old July was described as a strong, muscular hound with a short back and heavy dark hair on his back with fawn or buckskin sides and legs. He was bred to the best fox hound ******* for miles around, including the Dr. Henry strain of hounds from Virginia and soon had enough offspring, centered largely in Middle Georgia, to give his name “July” to a noted strain of red fox hounds. July was evidently a very prepotent individual for he passed to his offspring, through many generations of hounds that vim and vigor, pep nad fire so characteristic of the present day July. They still have about the same temper and characteristics as those described by such early breeders as Birdsong, Garrett, Council and others.
Unfortunately, there are no official statistics to show how many July fox hounds that are in Georgia at the present time, but it is believed that, exclusive of mixed bred or potlicker hounds, the July possibly out-numbers any other recognized breed of fox hounds in the state. The July predominates to such an extent at the Georgia Fox Hunters Convention each year that it is sometimes spoken of as the July Fox Hound Convention. Yet, in fairness to the officers of the Georgia Fox Hunters Association, let it be said that other breeds of fox hounds are given an equal showing along with the Julys—on the bench, in the field, and in every other way. Every hound there must stand or fall on his own merit.
One reason the July fox hound is not more widely known outside of Georgia where it was originated is that there are no commercial breeders in the state and relatively few outside of the state. They are bred almost exclusively for the personal use of the hunters who breed them, and they are bred for performance rather than for show. Many more are given away than sold. In July fox hunting circles, it is far more the practice to give a friend a pair of July hound puppies than to sell them to him. If the July foxhound were commercialized and widely advertised it would, without a doubt, become very popular indeed, for this hound has almost every good quality sought by American fox hunters.
July Blood Lines
It must be remembered that all the July fox hounds we now have started from that one July hound puppy which Myles G. Harris of Hancock County, Georgia got from Nimrod Gosnell of Roxbury Mills, Maryland, in 1858. The July breed is therefore less than 100 years old. Almost any July hound pedigree of several generations will trace back to some of the hounds of early breeders such as Birdsong, Garrett and Council of Georgia.
Many good hounds far above the forks of the creek are so far out of the reach of a camera that it is not feasible to show them on the pages of The Hunter’s Horn. About the only image they have ever produced is their reflection in a pool of water or their shadow in the sunshine. Yet they can take a fox over the hill and bring him back too, if the fox can live to get back.
It will be remembered by many fox hunters that among those early breeders who made July history in Georgia were Myles G. Harris, L. F. Birdsong, Geo. Garrett, M. B. Council, H. J. Dennis, A. J. Hill, Ham B. Ridley, the Milner brothers and a few others.
As the years passed, many more entered the field of breeding July hounds—some starting as boys from the shoulders of their illustrious forebears. It would be most difficult to give a complete list of the successful July hound breeders in Georgia at the present time. Membership lists of all the Fox Hunters Associations in the state would get only a part of them. July breeders will of course understand that space would not permit a very large number of photographs of July packs of hounds to be carried in one issue of The Hunter’s Horn, but those given on these pages are representative of the breed and it is hoped that others may be shown in later issues.
By H. P. Stuckey
Experiment, Georgia
The Hunter's Horn
June, 1951
Pages eight, nine & ten
It was in 1858, hardly three years before the War Between The States, that Col. Myles G. Harris of Hancock County, Georgia visited Nimrod Gosnell of Roxbury Mills, Maryland. Mr. Gosnell was a breeder of the shaggy Irish fox hounds from which the July fox hound was originated. The shaggy hounds Mr. Gosnell had, were descendants of Mountain and Muse, two Irish fox hounds given to Bolton Jackson of Maryland by the Duke of Leeds in Ireland.
Col. Harris had been over in Kentucky where he had hunted with Ben Robinson who had gotten his strain of hounds from Nimrod Gosnell in Maryland. Col. Harris was much impressed by the Robinson hounds and went immediately to Maryland to see Nimrod Gosnell in an effort to get some of the same breed.
On arriving at Nimrod Gosnell’s home in Roxbury Mills, Maryland, a hunt was arranged for him and he got a chance to see Gosnell’s two hounds, Tickler and Lade, run a red fox. Tickler and Lade were the parents of Old July which started the July breed of hounds in Hancock County, Georgia, in 1858. Col. Harris wanted to buy Tickler and Lade from Mr. Gosnell but they were not for sale. He did however, get the promise of a pair of puppies out of the next litter from this pair of outstanding hounds. On the first day of July of that year 1858, Col. Myles G. Harris received the promised pair of hound puppies from Nimrod Gosnell of Roxbury Mills, Maryland, and took them to his plantation out about 10 miles from Sparta, Georgia. He named the male pup of the pair July, and the female, Mary. Some say Col. Harris named the ***** puppy June, however this is discounted as immaterial. As the story goes though, Mary jumped out of a window of a cotton gin house and hanged herself on the rope by which she was tied during her first heat period and this never produced any offspring. This left only the dog pup, July, as the progenitor of the July breed of fox hounds which bears his name.
Just as the great Mississippi river starts from a small spring that could be covered by a wash tub, the entire breed of July fox hounds started from this one puppy now recorded as “Old July.” Old July was described as a strong, muscular hound with a short back and heavy dark hair on his back with fawn or buckskin sides and legs. He was bred to the best fox hound ******* for miles around, including the Dr. Henry strain of hounds from Virginia and soon had enough offspring, centered largely in Middle Georgia, to give his name “July” to a noted strain of red fox hounds. July was evidently a very prepotent individual for he passed to his offspring, through many generations of hounds that vim and vigor, pep nad fire so characteristic of the present day July. They still have about the same temper and characteristics as those described by such early breeders as Birdsong, Garrett, Council and others.
Unfortunately, there are no official statistics to show how many July fox hounds that are in Georgia at the present time, but it is believed that, exclusive of mixed bred or potlicker hounds, the July possibly out-numbers any other recognized breed of fox hounds in the state. The July predominates to such an extent at the Georgia Fox Hunters Convention each year that it is sometimes spoken of as the July Fox Hound Convention. Yet, in fairness to the officers of the Georgia Fox Hunters Association, let it be said that other breeds of fox hounds are given an equal showing along with the Julys—on the bench, in the field, and in every other way. Every hound there must stand or fall on his own merit.
One reason the July fox hound is not more widely known outside of Georgia where it was originated is that there are no commercial breeders in the state and relatively few outside of the state. They are bred almost exclusively for the personal use of the hunters who breed them, and they are bred for performance rather than for show. Many more are given away than sold. In July fox hunting circles, it is far more the practice to give a friend a pair of July hound puppies than to sell them to him. If the July foxhound were commercialized and widely advertised it would, without a doubt, become very popular indeed, for this hound has almost every good quality sought by American fox hunters.
July Blood Lines
It must be remembered that all the July fox hounds we now have started from that one July hound puppy which Myles G. Harris of Hancock County, Georgia got from Nimrod Gosnell of Roxbury Mills, Maryland, in 1858. The July breed is therefore less than 100 years old. Almost any July hound pedigree of several generations will trace back to some of the hounds of early breeders such as Birdsong, Garrett and Council of Georgia.
Many good hounds far above the forks of the creek are so far out of the reach of a camera that it is not feasible to show them on the pages of The Hunter’s Horn. About the only image they have ever produced is their reflection in a pool of water or their shadow in the sunshine. Yet they can take a fox over the hill and bring him back too, if the fox can live to get back.
It will be remembered by many fox hunters that among those early breeders who made July history in Georgia were Myles G. Harris, L. F. Birdsong, Geo. Garrett, M. B. Council, H. J. Dennis, A. J. Hill, Ham B. Ridley, the Milner brothers and a few others.
As the years passed, many more entered the field of breeding July hounds—some starting as boys from the shoulders of their illustrious forebears. It would be most difficult to give a complete list of the successful July hound breeders in Georgia at the present time. Membership lists of all the Fox Hunters Associations in the state would get only a part of them. July breeders will of course understand that space would not permit a very large number of photographs of July packs of hounds to be carried in one issue of The Hunter’s Horn, but those given on these pages are representative of the breed and it is hoped that others may be shown in later issues.